Tell Wyoming Public Service Commission to protect our economic future

Take Action: The Wyoming Public Service Commission is taking public comments on our energy future, and they need to hear from you today. 

Rocky Mountain Power, Wyoming's largest utility and owner of many coal plants, has determined it would be cheaper for Wyoming residents to retire several old coal plants and replace them with clean energy and battery storage, saving families and local small businesses millions of dollars and helping build a clean energy future for Wyoming.

But instead of planning ahead for our future, some legislators oppose Rocky Mountain Power’s plans to increase renewable energy in Wyoming, and are pressuring the Public Service Commission to find ways to keep these coal plants running. Keeping these plants running would hurt families and small businesses who are already facing hardships during this economic downturn.

While we’re all struggling with the COVID epidemic, it is more important than ever for Wyoming to find ways to reduce economic burdens on residents and small local businesses.  Unfortunately, our state government is continuing to cling to old, expensive coal plants, no matter how much it ends up costing Wyoming families and small businesses.

Take action now: These old coal plants are WAY more expensive than alternatives like wind and solar. Keeping them running puts Wyoming electric customers and the state at risk of wasting a lot of money that could be better spent on transitioning to a clean energy future.


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